If you drive anywhere right now, for more than five minutes, you will see some really obvious political divides. I should be used to it by now, as this seems to have been occurring for quite some time. The beautiful part of this country is that we can have these opinions and share them freely. On the other hand, I believe in most cases flags, yard signs, and homemade billboards really are an eyesore. Much like the appearance of my lawn, but I let it do that all on its own with very little effort! Thank goodness for a long driveway and lots of trees!
I have the unique benefit of spending four hours with complete strangers in a boat, with nothing else to do but talk and fish. Oddly enough politics often comes up. I can promise you it doesn’t come from me! Angling, and more broadly, being on the water, is meant for enjoyment. Rarely do these conversations become enjoyable. I am likely one of the most apolitical people you will ever meet. I prefer discussing how I cut my grass, the benefits of watching paint dry, and then maybe even the condition of the stock market, far more. My typical response to any of these fire starting conversations is “not sure, and I don’t really care to talk about politics especially since we are fishing”. Then maybe “hey, how do you folks feel about mowing the lawn”?
By now, I know you are thinking of someone who believes the polar opposite from you regarding your political leanings. Regardless of your relationship with them, there has likely been some heated debates and probably some head shakes as you drive by their driveway. Now spend four hours with them on a boat. Not strangers, you know how one another feels. With the timeline we have here in the United States, you know what is going to come up at some point. Maybe not though.
Can we take some time to look past what we believe when it comes to politics? Can we set aside these differences that, to me, are so insignificant. I would much rather argue with someone about where to fish, what to use, and the benefits of fly angling. Yes I dunk worms too but can’t I do both!? The answer is yes by the way. I am not a hardliner fly angler despite how often I choose that over live bait. In a moment of honesty here, I will share some very private information. I have never looked down on a bait fisherman using bait on the bow when I fly cast from the stern. Although I know some who may, it just isn’t something worth discussing and not worth arguing, at least seriously. We are sharing a common experience and a common goal.
I encourage you to think about the common threads you share with others. This is a small community and I can almost guarantee someone out there shares a thread with someone else. I consider the six degrees of Kevin Bacon something that applies to angling. Rather than try to change someone’s mind about how to vote (FYI they won’t) talk about fishing. Don’t like fishing? Keeping talking because you’re only 5 more degrees of separation away from it. Once you find that thread, you have enough to hang on to and make something more of it. We are all in the same boat, and for far longer than four hours. Let’s act like it.